What is props in React JS?

In React JS, “props” is short for “properties” and refers to a way of passing data from one component to another. Props are read-only and allow parent components to pass data down to their child components as arguments. This enables the child components to render dynamic content based on the data they receive, making components more reusable and adaptable.

Props are an essential concept in React’s component-based architecture, as they allow you to create flexible and modular components that can be easily configured and reused in different parts of your application.

For example consider a component named ‘Greeting’ that receives a name prop from its parent component, App, and renders a personalized greeting based on the name prop. By changing the value of the name prop, you can render different greetings without modifying the Greeting component itself.

Remember that props are read-only, and you should not modify them directly within a component. If you need to manage state within a component, you should use React’s built-in state management features like setState for class components or the useState hook for functional components.

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