What is Difference Between Widnow Load & Document Ready in jQuery?

Learning about the window.onload and document.ready events in jQuery is important for web developers because it can improve user experience, ensure cross-browser compatibility, optimize website performance, and better organize code. Window.onload and document.ready are two JavaScript events that are commonly used in web development, particularly in jQuery. It can be a very good JavaScript interview question. Here is the main differences between the two.

window.onload is an event that is triggered when the entire page, including all external resources such as images, stylesheets, and scripts, has finished loading. This means that all of the content on the page is available, and all of the resources have been downloaded and rendered. window.onload is often used to trigger code that depends on the entire page being loaded, such as initializing third-party libraries, setting up analytics tracking, or initializing complex UI elements.

document.ready, on the other hand, is an event that is triggered when the DOM (Document Object Model) has been constructed and is ready to be manipulated. This means that the HTML content of the page has been loaded and parsed, and the DOM tree has been constructed, but external resources such as images and stylesheets may not have finished loading yet. document.ready is often used to trigger code that manipulates the DOM, such as adding event handlers, updating page content, or making AJAX calls.

In jQuery, document.ready is implemented using the $(document).ready() function, which can be used to execute code as soon as the DOM is ready. window.onload is implemented using the window.onload event, which can be used to execute code after all of the page’s external resources have finished loading.

In summary, the main difference between window.onload and document.ready in jQuery is that window.onload is triggered after the entire page and all external resources have finished loading, while document.ready is triggered after the DOM has been constructed and is ready to be manipulated. Understanding the difference between these events is important for web developers who want to ensure that their code runs at the appropriate time and in the correct context.

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